Art projects will align with our history and science studies. Students will use creativity and imagination as they integrate art with learning in other subjects. Students will be encouraged to bring their work home to decorate their homes and share what they are learning.
Students will use Easy Grammar curriculum to develop a solid understanding of grammar usage.​
Our history exploration (Years 1–4) covers ancient history through modern history, but each course stops in different places and time periods to explore in depth. Some of our topics this year will include:
Ancient Egypt
Christianity in the Middle Ages & Renaissance
The Revolutionary War
The Cold War and Modern History
Students will learn the fundamentals of keyboarding by mastering hand position, home row, and top row. A laptop or tablet with a keyboard attachment is required. Please bring it to class, charged.
Students will use Teaching Textbooks Math 4 or 5 unless approved to work at a higher level with more independence. In the classroom, we will complete one to two math lessons each week on in-class days. We will also play math facts games, and practice applicable real-world math such as measurements, weights, shapes, time, number sequence, money, graphing, fractions, and more. On home days, students will complete three more lessons per week and most quizzes. A laptop or tablet is required. Please bring it to class, charged.
Music is a chance for every student to shine! Through singing, movement, and some instruments, students will learn to appreciate music as well as begin to read and write in the languages of music. Students will learn to play xylophones. There will be a Christmas program, as well as a showcase at the end of the school year for families to see what their children have learned.
In PE students will learn that exercise is, and should be, FUN! This class will be held outdoors whenever possible, in sun and snow. Students will learn how to play together and work on individual skills. Group games will be taught and laughter will be had during activities such as soccer, basketball, kickball, jump rope, four square, tag and many others.
Requirements :
Students will need clothing appropriate for exercise.
Sneakers are necessary when there isn't snow and appropriate outdoor attire will be expected in cold weather, including snow boots.
Older students are encouraged to bring and use antiperspirants to class.
Students will choose topics, create keyword outlines, and use outlines to speak to classmates in a conversational tone. We will have fun incorporating visual aids and discovering that public speaking is not so scary, after all.
Students will have an opportunity to read individually, in class, and at home. We will also read some books aloud together.​
We use unit studies to explore key topics with weekly lessons. This year, our topics focus on Space Science and Marine Biology.
Students will learn Spanish through fun classroom activities and at-home online learning. The class will develop the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Integrated music will help students with vocabulary and fluency while encouraging the joy of singing. ​
Students will have a weekly word list to learn, practice, and use. Weekly spelling tests will measure mastery.
We use the IEW system to teach strong writing skills by writing outlines from a source text, verbally retelling a story, and rewriting a story. Teachers and parents will partner together to coach students with their assignments throughout the year.
We will worship God and pray daily to start off our morning. Bible reading and discussion will be included in morning work time. We will also integrate Biblical truths and share stories from the Bible as we learn about events in history and principles of science.
All required 4th-5th grade curriculum will be purchased in bulk by EMERGE and billed to families.
See the"Materials List" for supplies to bring to school.