EMERGE School recognizes that the teaching of spiritual truth requires much reinforcement from the home and church; therefore, the following requirements are necessary for all student admissions:
• Each student enrolling at EMERGE School must have at least one parent or legal guardian express a personal, saving faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.
• The parent(s) agrees with EMERGE Statement of Faith and Parent Involvement outlined in the EMERGE Student Handbook.
• Pupils admitted from other schools to EMERGE School must have a good conduct record and put forth a solid academic effort. The purpose of the school does not include correction or rehabilitation of problem children. Children who have been refused admission or asked to leave by any other school must be reviewed by the director and advisory team before enrolling.
• Students and families who hold to doctrines in direct conflict with evangelical Christianity or do not hold the Bible as the only inspired, authoritative Word of God will not be considered for admission.
• Kindergarten students must be five years old by September 30 of the year the child is enrolling. All students must provide evidence of immunization or exemption (medical or religious).
EMERGE School is committed to a philosophy of education that integrates Christian principles and scriptural truths with every student's academic and social experiences. We seek to enroll students who will exhibit the biblical values of care and concern for others in our school community and demonstrate enthusiasm for the learning process.
EMERGE School reserves the right to admit or reject students, either new or current, at its sole discretion based on academic performance, religious commitment, philosophical compatibility, behavioral conduct, sexual conduct (including but not limited to sexual activity outside of marriage, lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender behavior), and/or willingness of students and parents to cooperate with and abide by the policies of EMERGE School. Parents not supporting the school's mission, policies, and leadership shall be subject to dis-enrollment or expulsion at any time without refunding tuition and fees.
Students seeking admission following suspension, expulsion, severe behavior, or academic problems at another school will not be permitted to enroll until they have proven themselves elsewhere for one year. EMERGE teachers will do their best to accommodate students with reading challenges; however, EMERGE School does not have the facilities or staff to educate children with other special needs or severe behavioral problems.