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Mrs. Minette Jessup


This course walks through the process of marketing by developing a plan for a product or service of your choosing. You can use your creative skills to come up with a new or enhanced idea for solving a problem. You can use your analytical and technical skills to research data about those problems and solutions. You can expand your knowledge of traditional or electronic advertising to come up with a strategy to promote your idea, and you can use your writing, photography, or art skills to convey your message to the right audience. Overall, this course encourages you to think about how marketing can be a positive influence on society, promoting quality products to those that need them most.


Required Materials:


The course requires the following textbook, which serves as the basis for class discussions, tests, and assignments:

Anselmo, D. (2010). Marketing DeMystified, ISBN 978-0-07-171391-7, McGraw-Hill. Available at Amazon in Paperback ($23.00). Used and Kindle versions are also available.


Supplemental readings and online videos may be required through the semester to add further clarification of the text content. These materials will be supplied as class handouts or through individual student online research.


A final class project may include a prepared poster and/or video, but that will be up to individual student preference.

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