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French II

Mrs. Rachel Osen



In French II, students will continue developing listening/comprehension and speaking proficiency with interactive participation in class. We will be expanding on the vocabulary learned in French I (Chapters 1-5 of the Bien Dit French 1 textbook). There will also be more extensive verb conjugation, and students will continue to learn and understand the structure of the language through reading and writing exercises. Students will be expected to do daily practice on their own between classes to integrate what they're learning. There is an EMERGE French YouTube page that will help with the out-of-class requirements.


Required Materials: (same as used in French I)

  • Bien Dit Level 1 textbook. Copies may be available at the used book sale at EMERGE Kick-Off on August 9, 2017. Used prices start at $7.45 on Amazon (

  • Workbook Cahier de Vocabulaire et Grammaire. New copies start at $3.40 on Amazon (

  • Workbook Cahier D'activités. New copies start at $15.20 on Amazon (

  • Internet access during the week

  • Recommended: French/English dictionary or dictionary app

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