English III
Mrs. Katie Ristow
Take a journey through time using the most influential writings of our nation’s history as the stepping stones from one era to the next. From Poe to Twain, Hawthorne to Hemingway, and Frost to Fitzgerald, we will dissect American literature for its value both then and now. We will also hear from modern story-tellers like Lisa Wingate, whose words weave timeless tales, Mildred Taylor, who wrote about acts of tremendous courage, and Frank Perreti, a suspense writer who keeps readers on the edge of their seat from the very first page. We will grapple with history as we indulge in the written words of those who lived it first hand, while holding their notions and beliefs up against Biblical truths, and yet we will also read for the simple joy of reading. Vocabulary, critical thinking, debate and discussion, reflective and essay writing, and hands- on activities will all aid in the study and mastery of these fascinating works of American Literature.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We will be reading many more texts than listed above, but all are available for free in online PDF format. Of the required literature books, all formats are approved (audio, book, or PDF); although, some books may not be available in any other format aside from paper book. The required textbook must be in physical format brought to brought to class each day. It should be ordered A MONTH PRIOR TO SCHOOL to ensure delivery.
Notebook or binder for note taking in class and storing handouts
Access to internet, printer, and printer paper
Access to PDFS online (may require changes to parental controls)
Writing utensils including a highlighter
$5 each semester, payable with tuition
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