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English III

Mrs. Penny Johnson

What do psalms, book burnings, a very smart rat and a tomboy named Scout have in common? 

All will be the subject of our literary adventures this year as we read, discuss and respond to wonderful novels, plays, short stories and poems. Beginning with a unit about Biblical poetry, we'll move on to talk about classics of American Literature. As we read, we will analyze, discuss and write about how these works reveal their author's worldview and impact our thinking and feeling. Our goals will be to understand, evaluate and appreciate literary works, within their historical context and measured against biblical truth.We'll also include attention to vocabulary growth, listening skills, and written and verbal communication excellence.



  • 1" binder with notebook paper

  • Note-taking supplies

  • Access to printer and paper for making copies of selected poems for classmates.

REQUIRED BOOKS: (Novels do not need to be the current edition, older editions are fine.)

Fahrenheit 451.jpeg
To Kill a Mockingbird.jpg
The Joy Luck Club.jpg
Flowers for Algernon.webp
The Scarlet Letter.jpg
Winter Garden.jpg
Last of the Mohicans.jpg

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