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Life Science

Mrs. Kate Balian


What is alive that God made? ..... Humans, Animals, & Plants! God put amazing things inside what He created; let's discover together by tasting exotic fruits, watching a plant catch its own meat to eat, and practice First Aid techniques to help our human bodies! Seeing (that's what my kidney looks like?), touching (dissecting an owl pellet?), hearing (what do sounds heard inside my lungs by a stethoscope mean?), tasting (you can eat THAT??), feel, smelling.....come join the adventure, and be ready to be adventurous!


  • God's Design for Life by Debbie and Richard Lawrence

  • Folder designated for Life Science papers

  • Blank flashcards


  • $30 lab fee per semester, payable with tuition on August 1 and December 1

God's Design for Life.jpg

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