Explorers, Heroes, and Inventors
Mr. Ben McEntee
In this year-long class, students will learn about explorers, heroes and inventors. We'll see what these world changers across countries, disciplines and time, have in common. Students will learn about the obstacles faced, the challenges conquered, and the effect on the world for generations. Through activities, discussions, and presentations, students will encounter people of the past and present who have pushed the boundaries of known places and inventions, or heroically stood up for themselves and others to make a difference. We'll also consider character traits and how men and women live their lives pleasing or displeasing God.
Understand how explorers, heroes and inventors, past and present, have a daily effect on our lives
Learn basic world geography and specific routes of famous expeditions, countries of major inventions and places of heroic actions.
Learn how we explore the world for ourselves, act on the basis of our beliefs and adapt new tools or technologies to improve our lives.
1”- 2" binder with notebook paper, pens & hole punch
Access to printer and paper for making copies of selected profiles for classmates
Each student will have a required project on a biography of an explorer, hero or inventor. Those books may be borrowed from the library, already owned, or purchased as needed.
Each student will also have an additional required project and will need supplies and support to prepare a presentation (i.e., PowerPoint, display board, paper report, invention model, etc.)
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